Drama Bahasa Inggris Untuk 6 Orang

Masih beber-bener inget, drama ini aku buat waktu aku kelas 7. Aku buat drama ini, di rumahnya mas-ku. Waktu itu komputerku lagi sakit. Haha maklum. Drama ini mau aku dan kelompok LPIA untuk maju lomba drama se sekolahan, kelas 7-9. Alhamdullilah kelompokku, Bee, meraih juara 2. Walaupun naskahnya cuma sderhana seperti di bawah ini, tapi aku buat sendiri hlo. Dulu aku tergoda pengen pake Google Translate, tapi repott... Hihi, yaudah deh daripada kelamaaan curcol. Cekidot. Semoga bermanfaat yaaa :D


(On school breaks)
Nur      : That was not difficult math test? I think hard.
Salma  : Yes. Deuteronomy math difficult. What do you think Han?
Han     : Yes. Quite difficult.

Dhea    : But friends, as long as we learn definitely easy. You agree? But,I was too confused to do it.
Nur      : But fortunately I was sitting in the back. So, can cheat.
Han     : You're cheating?
Nur      : Yes, I am.
Salma  : Me too. I've been cheating the formula in the book that I hide in the drawer.
Dhea    : Wah wah wah. Not good!.
  (Agung and Kholid come and intends to join in the conversation)
Agung : Can we join the discussion?
Kholid : Yeah, can not?
Dhea    : Yes allowed.
Agung : You are what discussion?
Han     : It's, time math test last Nur and Salma cheating.
Kholid : Cheat? I and the Agung was also cheating.
Han     : What? So who did not cheat just me and Dhea?
Dhea    : My goodness. No! Friend's cheating that included corruption!
Nur      : How come?
Agung : Weird!!
Kholid : Funny!!
Dhea    : Oh My God... So long as you do not know this? Hanifah, please explain!
Han     : Huhh. So whose name was not just corrupt officials who take the rights of the people. There are little things that we often do and maybe it’s corruption.
Dhea    : Like cheating, skipping school, buy food at the canteen does not pay, or dishonest acts of others.
Agung : So far I often corrupt ...!
Salma  : Me too!
Nur      : Me too!
Kholid : Me too!
Agung : Ouch. We feel guilty ..!
Han     : Yes. So let us accustom ourselves early on not to commit corruption.
Dhea    : Yeah. So if we have been accustomed from an early age is not corruption, our country will progress!
Kholid : O.K! From now on we will be honest in all things.
Agung : Agreed! Fight Corruption!
All/semua        : Agree !!!!!!!!!!!
  (The bell already rang)
Dhea: Well the bell has sounded friends! Let's go to class ..!



  1. ada, tapi udah nggak tau di mana datanya~ maaf yaa
    coba di translate pake google transtale ajaa ya

  2. kelihatannya ceritanya bagus, sayang ga ada terjemahnya....

  3. gak da yang lebih panjangan gak.,,?????

  4. untuk sementara belum ada, besok kalau ada aku kabari :) maaf yaa

  5. Makasih banyak, sangat berguna sekali.

  6. izin ambil yaa kak untuk referensi tugas

  7. izin ambil yaa kak untuk referensi tugas


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