Contoh Descriptive Text Bahasa Inggris-Example Descriptive Text

Assalamu'alaikum semua :) Postingan kali ini, seperti judulnya. Decriptive Text. Ini dulu aku buat waktu ada tugas dari guruku. Aku mendeskripsikan tas-ku. Wkwkkw. Semoga bermanfaat ;)

My bag

Friends, let me tell you about my bag.
I have a bag. Its color is grey. I always bring it whenever I go to school. It is made of strong fabric.
My bag isn’t expensive, but it is very useful to me. My bag has several different parts. The fisrt part is the pocket where I put scissors, hand phone, double tip, mirror, and tissues. The second part is the main part. I always put my books, my pencil case, my lunch box, and my electronic dictionary. And the last part is small pocket at the right and left side of the bag. I keep a big bottle of plain water in this pocket. And I always wash my bag once six month, because it make my bag keep clean.
My bag is simple, but it help me to bring everything what I need. I love my bag !!!

Thank you


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