Contoh Cerpen Bahasa Inggris-Story Tellling-Contoh Narrative Text

Ini ceritaku waktu ikut lomba membuat cerita inggris. Semoga dapat membantu.
The Proud Coco !

Once upon a time, there was a rabbit , the named is Coco. He lived in the big jungle in Indonesia with his family and other animals like turtle, snail, butterfly, lion and many more. His mother was Mrs. Susi, his Father was Mr. Toto. He had two brothers, they were Dodo and Kevin. He also had one sister, her name was Sasa. Coco had a big body with white and brown fur, he had a pair of black eyes. Coco’s tail was not too long. And he had sharp tooths to chew the food. He can run so fast, he is so proud about that.
In the morning, the sun shone brigthly, beautiful flower, and the birds were chattered on the trees. Coco still slept. His mother so angry to Coco.
“Cocoooo… wake up please ! What time is it ? Come on, help your father to plant the carrots ! ” said Coco’s mother
    “Huuaaahhhhh ,oh Mom I’m still very sleepy, really Mom !” complained Coco.
    “Oh Coco, why you always gives reasons ? Please wake up !” said Coco’s mother, Mrs. Susi.
    “Okay mom.” said Coco
    With lazy footstep, Coco took a bath. After that, he had breakfast in the kitchen room. Suddenly, “ppyaarrrrrrrr”
    “What’s happening Coco?” said Sasa
    “Emm emm, I broke the plate sis” answered Coco
    “OMG, Cocoooooooo… !!” shouted Sasa to Coco because Coco ran out from house left the break plate.
    “Hahaha, bye” smiled Coco
    In the field, Coco’s father planed the carrots. Than, Coco came.
“What can I do for you Daddy ?” said Coco to his father, Mr. Toto.
    “Oh Coco, you come. Please help Daddy, take a pail of water in the river to wash these carrots !”
    “Okay Daddy” said Coco, than he took the water in the river. “Here it is the water Daddy.”
    “Thankyou honey”
    “Daddy, can I go now ?”
    “Can you do more for me, Coco?”
    “Sorry Dad, I’m so busy. Bye bye Daddy !” said Coco, he left his Daddy
    After Coco helped his father, he went out to play in the bushes. He met turtle, his name was Nana. Coco was boasting about how fast he could run. He was laughing to Nana for being so slow. Then Coco said, “Good day, Nana ! I have been observing you. You are moving so slowly. I can run much faster than you. Do you want to have a race with me ? I am sure I will win.”
Nana replied “I accept the challenge. I am sure I will win ! Let us race next week!”.
          Coco laughed “Haha okay, but how can you win when you move like that ? It’s just your dream!”
The following week, Coco came back to race with Nana.
”Nana, are you ready to lose ?” asked Coco, laughing all the time.
The fox was to be the umpire of the race. As the race began, Coco raced way ahead of the turtle, just like everyone thought. He got to the halfway point and could not see the turtle anywhere. He was hot and tired than decided to stop and took a short nap under the tree. Even if Nana passed him, he would be able to reach to the finish line ahead of him. All this time Nana kept walking step by step. He never quit, no matter how hot or tired he got. He just kept going. However, the Coco slept longer than he had thought and woke up. He could not see the turtle anywhere! He went at fullspeed to the finish line but found Nana there waiting for him.
“I can't believe this !  It's impossible !  How could you possibly win Nana?!” said Coco.
“Oh it’s so possible Coco, if you did not sleep under the tree, you could be the winner. But you did it, so I am the winner.” replied Nana.
“Oyeah, it’s my fault. So sorry Nana, I promise will not abused you or other animals again” said Coco.
“It’s okay Coco, you have proved that you are good one !” said Nana humbly.

Cerpen Bahasa Inggris


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